Another Solar Blast ~ 14 March 2012

In the past day another solar blast left the Sun, heading our way. Within the next eighteen hours from the sending of this post, the ultra-energy effects are estimated to reach Earth. The last couple of recent blasts seemed to create more fatigue, feelings of downtroddenness, and apathy than expected. Regardless the typical response is a sensation of mind/body losing connection with one another and/or creative energies finding few outlets. As well, increased irritability and loss of coping skills travel in the symptom pack of coronal mass ejections.

Add the above to Mercury retrograding back to Uranus (Did that really blurt out of my mouth?), Venus’ recent alignment with Jupiter (I can’t believe how much more important things that are important seem to me), and Ceres soon to join Eris (You will not cut me out of the pack. You will not. Though, I really want to run off over that hill and because you want me to, I’m not budging) and we have a full, short term load.

And the latter of the above effects is great for the raising of voices against oppression. With the Venus transit coming in June (more details to come) the fight back on money (a notable Wall Street insider resigned and wrote an op-ed that his company was toxic, disrespectful of investors and worse), and social issues will increase. Other issues will take center stage, too. Before the viral YouTube video, how many were outraged with Joseph Koni? That video documentary is a classic manifestation of Mercury to Uranus and Ceres to Eris. The key for success during solar flares and such supercharged transits comes from reason and rationality, high-reaching goals, consciousness, and a dash of brilliance.

Typically my recommendation to deal with the excitability of CME’s hitting Earth other than being cool when cable, satellite and your phone goes out, is to apply grounding practices. However, with the spectacular celestial sunset display currently inspiring heavenly awe, this might be the time to look up and feel the pulse of the planets for perfect centering.

Shortly after sunset, head outside and look west. You’ll see two bright shiny things that might even look like large aircraft... or UFO’s! Those are Venus (the brighter one) and Jupiter. Given Venus refers to money and inner worth and relationship consciousness and Jupiter oversees a lot of and another scoop of that, please, a better wishing “star” cannot be found.

Before wishing though, look back toward vertical and seek out the bright red shiny thing, demanding your eyeballs’ attention. That would be Mars. He’s the “go-to, get it done” guy and stands one third of the complete sky circle away from Venus and Jupiter. This is an extra good, “gears greased” thing.

Maybe put one hand up to face Mars and the other to reach out to Venus and Jupiter, making yourself an antenna for fabulous manifestation.

But before you utter any chants or petition the planets, let’s consider a subtle, powerful influence Venus is about to create. This influence is something that Jupiter will support and underwrite in about three weeks.

Venus is about to stand opposite the halfway point of the Galactic Center and Super-Galactic Centers. The actual alignment occurs Sunday. Given the conjunction of Venus to Jupiter in the past day, there’s no harm in putting attention in play now. This intersection point in the sky offers superb manifestation skills, bringing a body exactly what they want. Actually, it’s more accurate to state, what a person believes they deserve and can accept... on the subconscious plane.

So, instead of taking the chance that your propitiation and promises might contain some “stuff” outside good clear, conscious thinking, why not use your outstretched palms to “listen?”    Just maybe - actually it’s very likely - applying a receive mode to planetary influences goes a long way further in bringing about what a person needs/wants. Those planets just might offer up their own suggestions as to how you can clear out any psychic cobwebs and assign a task or two to complete that just might open the next door of opportunity.

It’s worth a try, even if your neighbors think you’re bonkers for scratching at the sky.